Le projet HypFlow propose de transformer radicalement la pratique de la RMN hyperpolarisée dans les laboratoires de recherche et l'industrie en boostant sa sensibilité (facteur 10 000).

L’hyperpolarisation par polarisation nucléaire dynamique par dissolution (dDNP) améliore la sensibilité d'un facteur 10 000 à la résonnance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) mais est actuellement incompatible avec la plupart des expériences RMN car disponible qu’une seule fois (one-shot), polluée et diluée.
Sami Jannin a pour objectif de la rendre accessible en obtenant une hyperpolarisation inépuisable et pure (non polluée et non diluée) en DNP par dissolution.



Key information / Informations


•    Funding programme / Programme de financement: Horizon Europe - ERC Consolidator Grant - 2021
•    Coordinator / Coordinateur: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Pr Sami JANNIN (CRMN)
•    Partners’ list / Liste des partenaires :

o    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

•    Budget : 2 990 000 €
•    Grant / Subvention : 2 990 000 €
•    Début – Fin : 2023-2027

Context / Contexte

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has become a well-established and versatile tool in numerous fields of research and in industry, but features a relatively low sensitivity which prevents solving today’s most pressing challenges in modern science. Hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) provides a partial solution by enhancing sensitivity 10’000-fold. However, hyperpolarized solutions are available only once (single-shot), and are contaminated and diluted. This is incompatible with most NMR experiments, except for some niche applications. HypFlow aims at providing inexhaustible (multi-shot) and pure (unpolluted and undiluted) hyperpolarization, thus truly compatible with NMR. This project will enable detection of hyperpolarized samples in a fully compatible way with a broad range of NMR applications, radically transforming and democratizing the practice of hyperpolarized NMR in research laboratories and industries.

Objectives / Objectifs


HypFlow aims at obtaining unlimited, pure (unpolluted and undiluted) DNP hyperpolarization by dissolution in 1) designing and building a pulsed-DNP freeze&flow polarizer apparatus (HypFlow polarizer, at 77K and 0.3T) in which pure solutions will be recirculated and repolarized (ePol) 2) integrating the use of electron polarized hyperpolarizing matrices (eMat) 3) validating high-impact multi-scan NMR applications in metabolomics, drug discovery and chemistry (HypNMR).


Expected impact and results / Impact et résultats attendus


HypFlow will radically transform the practice of NMR and open new horizons in many application fields by offering for the first-time a broadly accessible and applicable 10’000-fold easy boost in sensitivity, recyclable 1’000’nds of times (multi-shot), with ultimate signal-to-noise enhancements exceeding 300’000-fold. Beyond the HypFlow project, one can foresee that freeze&flow polarizers will directly be built-in NMR probes, taking advantage of the stray-field of conventional NMR spectrometers.
HypFlow will lead to a broad democratization of hyperpolarized NMR with applications previously impossible because of single-shot nature and contamination. Outcomes are expected in academic research (NMR specialists, as well as chemistry and biochemistry in general) and in industry (from medical, pharmaceutical, to chemical industry).


LIP’s contribution / Rôle de LIP

LIP a accompagné le porteur de projet dans toute la phase de montage, coordination du montage administratif et financier du projet, conseil à la rédaction. LIP accompagne l’Université Lyon 1 pour le suivi administratif et financier du projet.