L’action COST est un programme intergouvernemental dédié au financement de réseaux de recherche européens et internationaux. Ces réseaux offrent un espace ouvert pour la collaboration entre les scientifiques et les industries à travers l’Europe (et au-delà) et donnent ainsi une impulsion aux avancées de la recherche et à l’innovation.  
Le projet TRANSLACORE a pour but de répondre aux questions émergentes en biologie du cancer en réunissant des experts européens. Cette initiative COST permettra de renforcer l'excellence des institutions de recherche et des universités européennes, et aura un impact significatif sur l'orientation de la science future, au bénéfice des patients.

31 pays membres du COST font actuellement partie du réseau TRANSLACORE présidé par Jean-Jacques Diaz (Chair of the Action), au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon.




Key information / Informations


•    Funding programme / Programme de financement: COST
•    Coordinator / Coordinateur: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Jean-Jacques DIAZ, laboratoire CRCL
•    Début – Fin : 04/10/2022 – 03/10/2026
•    Réseau de + 180 membres
•    + de 100 laboratoires
•    31 pays européens membres du réseau

Context / Contexte

With 18 million new cases and 9 million deaths per year worldwide, cancer is the 3rd cause of disease-related mortality. TRANSLACORE focuses on a major question in cancer biology, which is still unanswered clinically, but which offers promising prospects: understanding the role of protein synthesis in disease emergence and progression. Mastering protein synthesis is crucial, as it plays a decisive role in the adaptation and evolution of cancer cells. The project aims to encourage multidisciplinary research programs in Europe, providing innovative perspectives for cancer treatment.

Objectives / Objectifs


Translacore is organized into 5 working groups to achieve specific objectives based on sharing, creation and transfer of knowledge, career development through for exemple, training school, private-public programs for doctoral students, the organization of conferences and webinars, specific partnerships, job offers and partnership development for R&D collaboration.


Expected impact and results / Impact et résultats attendus


Translacore should help catalyse appropriate developments for European cooperation in science and technology and R&D partnerships especially in specific technologies: next-generation sequencing, translatomics, RNA mass spectrometry and structural biology. TRANSLACORE Europe will also be a major source of knowledge for the development of new mRNA-based therapies and the next generation of mRNA-based cancer vaccines.


LIP’s contribution / Rôle de LIP

LIP supports UCBL in its role of Grant Holder Institution of this project, and assists the Chair of the Action in the implementation and the overall administrative and financial management of TRANSLACORE