Key information / Informations
• Funding programme / Programme de financement: HORIZON EUROPE > MISSION CANCER
• Coordinator / Coordinateur: B. YOU
• Partners’ list / Liste des partenaires :
o Hospices Civils de Lyon (France) – Coord
o Lyon Ingénierie Projet - LIP (France)
o Arcagy Association (France)
o Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer Leon Berard – CLB (France)
o Fundacio Privada Per A La Recerca I La Docencia Sant Joan De Deu (Espagne)
o Parc Sanitari Sant Joan De Deu (Espagne)
o Institut Claudius Regaud (France)
o Institut Gustave Roussy (France)
o CHU Nîmes (France)
o Susannah Carroll (France)
o European Cancer Patient Coalition (Belgique)
• Budget : 6 823 071.25€
• Grant / Subvention : 6 823 071.25€
• Début – Fin : 01/05/2023 – 30/04/2028
Context / Contexte
Ovarian cancer has an annual occurrence of approximately 11 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Europe, leading to 82,500 newly diagnosed women each year. The majority of patients (65-80%) are diagnosed with advanced stages III-IV, resulting in a poor overall prognosis. The two primary factors affecting patient survival after first-line medical-surgical treatment are achieving a complete debulking surgery and sensitivity to standard carboplatin-platin chemotherapy. As there is a critical need to improve tumor chemosensitivity, new treatment strategies must be developed to increase access to subsequent debulking surgery and maintenance treatments.
Objectives / Objectifs
The SALVOVAR project has the potential to significantly improve the outcomes and quality of life for women with ovarian cancer, by identifying those who are at high risk for poor prognosis and tailoring their treatment accordingly.
Two main objectives: firstly, raising physician awareness and providing practical and cost-effective diagnostic tools to identify relevant patients, and secondly, evaluating the usefulness of medical and surgical treatment adjustments in terms of overall survival benefits, quality of life, patient perception, and cost-effectiveness taking into account country coverage policies. The implementation of these solutions in regular practice may enhance the prognosis of these patients.
Expected impact and results / Impact et résultats attendus
Among the expected impacts, SALVOVAR will greatly increase the attention of the scientific community to the unmet medical need for patients with advanced ovarian cancers found to be poorly chemosensitive and not amenable to complete debulking surgery after 3 cycles of standard neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, improve the knowledge about the two major determinants of the success of the medical-and-surgical treatment in patients with ovarian cancers and potentially provide a therapeutic solution, easily implementable in routine at low-price in any center, able to improve the survival of patients belonging to this poor prognostic group.
LIP’s contribution / Rôle de LIP
LIP will provide assistance to HCL and ensure efficient project management by supporting the monitoring of the different work packages, and overall financial and administrative management. LIP will be the contact point and a support for the coordinator and all partners with regards to project administration and financial rules, as well as IPR rules.