Key information / Informations
• Funding programme / Programme de financement: H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2020 - FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking
• Coordinator / Coordinateur: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – Institut Lumière Matière
• Partners’ list / Liste des partenaires :
o Icohup
o Universita' Degli Studi Di Milano- Bicocca
o Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze
o Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
o Nano Active Film Srl
o Lyon Ingénierie Projets
• Budget : 2 909 631,25 €
• Grant / Subvention : 2 909 631,25 €
• Début – Fin : 2020-2024
Context / Contexte
Radioactive gases are key targets for the environment, making gas monitoring an important issue. SPARTE will focus on the detection and activity measurement metrology of tracers related to nuclear activities. The SPARTE consortium combines 4 leading research centers and 2 SMEs around 3 core expertises - processing, characterization and metrology - also encompassing the industrial perspective, in order to create the interdisciplinary “substrate” necessary for a successful outcome of the project.
Objectives / Objectifs
SPARTE will implement and achieve a radically novel radioactive gas detection and radioactivity metrology, by introducing highly porous scintillating aerogels and/or Metal-Organic Frameworks designed to dramatically extend gas-matter interaction for effective detection through scintillation. These materials after development and optimization will combine an efficient, fast and isotropic scintillation ensuring homogeneous 3D response and high sensitivity for metrology.
Expected impact and results / Impact et résultats attendus
The goal will be to realize functional solid-based sensors generating a close intermixing between the sensor and the analyte and to combine efficiency and homogeneity. Major breakthroughs are foreseen: a calibration method for low activity range of 85Kr and 133Xe, a real time detection system of for some noble gas and 3H with a significantly improved sensitivity in an easy deployable system, a detector for 37Ar. SPARTE consortium proposes a unique combination of competences aimed at succeeding in the difficult task of pioneering a new technology track, from sensor as porous scintillator to critical radioactive gas detection and metrology method development.
LIP’s contribution / Rôle de LIP
LIP supported the consortium since the beginning of the proposal preparation, in particular on the financial and legal aspects, and is now assisting the SPARTE coordinator and partners by managing the administrative, financial and legal aspects of the project.